Disposition of performance
of the Republic of the Earth

  1. The constitution of the Republic of the Earth is in force from the first of January of the year 2001;

  2. The International Assembly is elected within three months from when at least one hundred and twenty million inhabitants will have taken part to the Republic of the Earth;

  3. Until the election of the International Assembly provided by the Constitution, the management and the coordination of the Republic of the Earth will be run by the Committee of the Representatives; formed by the two hundred founders designed at the end of each solar trimester by obtaining the greater number of votes and accepting the task;

  4. The members of the Committee of the Representatives are mandatory of the other founders and responsible for the allocation of the resources of the Republic of the Earth;

  5. The Committee of the Representatives establishes kind and manners of the representation of the Republic of the Earth;

  6. Until the election of the international assembly, the Committee of the Representatives will be renewed within the 20th day of the month following the end of each solar trimester ;

  7. The last Committee of the representatives will organize the election of the International Assembly;

  8. The currency of the Republic of the Earth is "Dhana", with a totally guaranteed emission value;

  9. Until the election of the International Assembly the Committee of the representatives undertakes every decision pertinent to the management of the currency of the Republic of the Earth;

  10. The Republic adopts a central informative system under the responsibility of the Committee of the representatives and it's delegates;

  11. All the acts pertinent to the running of the Republic of the Earth achieved before the election of the International Assembly are published on www.asmad.org web site.