Imagine a handful of spheres of many colours and various dimensions which rotate on themselves and turn around a magnetic hinge that maintains them in equilibrium, and you will have the idea of the universal enterprise. Instead of the spheres there are many enterprises that carry out various activities in every country and instead of the hinge there is an organisation that coordinates the various activities and transfers each enterprise's potential towards the outside. The universal enterprise is an organisation of companies scattered on the entire planet, which produce goods, market them and lend different kind of services. In particular civil aviation and avionics, biotechnology, elettromedical equipment, ecology, energy, computer science, machine tools, new materials, mechanics, microelectronics, robotics, telecommunications, production and transformation of agricultural products and tourism. The activity of each enterprise corresponds to the environmental conditions and to the vocations of the labour force of each country. At the beginning, the majority of each enterprise belongs to three social groups and for a tenth to an association constituted from the participants, i.e. the workers for the entire time they operate for the same enterprise. Each one of the three groups has one own function: the first one coordinates the activities of one field, the second coordinates the enterprises of the same geographic area, the third optimises the enterprise's abilities coordinating the internal relationships and promoting the external ones. The association's patrimony is inalienable and in case of liquidation of the enterprise it will be transferred to other associations that participate to enterprises in analogous fields. The investments are financed from the three social groups and the contributions of the states in which the enterprises have their seat. After the financial reimbursement of the debit, necessary to complete the programmed investments, the majority of each enterprise is freely transferred to the association, and a third of the authorised stock remains to the three social groups together with the decision on the destination of the company's patrimonies as perpetual right in case of liquidation of the enterprises. The constitution of the enterprises is preceded by a research and by the presentation of a business plan which specifies denomination, aim, seat, registered stock, cost of the previewed investments, associate's financing and government contributions. During the entire time necessary to reimburse the investment's financing, the payable demand is guaranteed to every enterprise, i.e. to the clients. In the same period, the enterprise forms its own and independent commercial organisation in order to secure itself future receipts. All the enterprises are constituted in shape of society following the laws of the country that houses them. The direction of the enterprises is decided from the associates and the management control is entrusted to a specific enterprise of review. In inadequacy case, the holding of its field assumes the direction. The economic relationship of the participants is founded on three levels: the minimal compensation based on the function, participation on the turnover and participation on the net yield. Social security, diseases and accidents are assured following the best standards proportioned to the country in which the enterprise works. Often the activity of the enterprises previews the design and the production of new and never produced patented goods, let alone innovative and unknown to market services. In the services field operate banks for the investment financing and insurance agencies. The productive organisation's principle is the participation of the workers to the management of the enterprise and to the destination of the produced wealth, reserving part of it to initiatives without economic returns. All the enterprise's principle is the maximum productivity. Some enterprises will carry out activities that don't demand technology in order to increase the occupation to all the capability levels of the productive forces. Unless the employment of specialised staff isn't available in the country where it's needed, the enterprises will employ local workers. The program provides the constitution of a million enterprises having an average of ten to two hundred working units employed and of twenty million Euro turnover, therefore a total employment of approximately fifty million persons and a total turnover of ten thousand billions of Euro. The necessary investment's amount is of approximately five thousand billions of Euro, a third of it financed by the social groups with a total risk capital of one thousand five hundred billions of Euro. The universal enterprise can be the instrument necessary to adapt the economic system to the globalisation of the human relationships and to concretely realise the idea that we are all citizens of the Earth.
Basic principlesArt. 1. Enunciation The universal enterprise is a system of economic activities all in synergy in order to conquer the hegemony of economic processes. Art. 2. Origin and cause Its origin draws from the existing economic systems and its cause is the necessity of preventing cyclical crises. Art. 3. Structure The structure of the universal enterprise is constituted from a totality of persons, societies and agencies organised in helicoidal shape and ordered in poles of triads. Art. 4. Organizational principle Participation is the fundamental base of the structure of the universal enterprise and equilibrium is its organizational principle. Art. 5. Relationships and behaviours The relationships and behaviours of the subjects of the system are based on dynamism and harmony in order to achieve maximum efficiency. Art. 6. Participants All those people who accept its principles and carry out actively a function of it can participate to the Universal Enterprise. Art. 7. Instruments The participants, the societies, the agencies that constitute it, the resources necessary to promote it and those that will be produced are all instruments of the universal enterprise. Art. 8. Activities The activities of the universal enterprise are versatile and are carried out from the participants through many single enterprises that form in their totality one only economic subject. Art. 9. Functions Each participant is assigned a function oriented to the common scope in relation to the requirements of the structure and their subjective characteristics. Art. 10. Destination wealth The wealth produced from the enterprise is addressed to the participants and if possible to the increasing and consolidation of its structure. Art. 11. Economic relationships The economic relationships among the participants are based on three levels: responsibility, performances and participation to the outcomes. Art. 12. Operating process The operating process of the universal enterprise is constituted from progressive phases through which the material problems are faced: perception, acknowledgment, priority, origin, causes, objective, solution, effects, instruments, strategy, praxis, obstacles and verification of the result. Art. 13. Plans The plans of the universal enterprise are performed by the conceiving of the solutions, their execution and their internal and external communication. Art. 14. Coordination The coordination of the structure and its single parts is attributed in relation of ability, experience and will of the participants. Art. 15. Dialectic process The system of the universal enterprise is put in comparison with the outside through a constant and constructive dialectic process aimed to emulation. Art. 16. Procedures The plan's carrying out procedures are submitted to the approval of the involved persons also when they have already been adopted. Art. 17. Dignity All the participants have the same dignity without any moral, religious, sex, race, and culture or convictions distinction. Art. 18. Exhortations and substitutions Every participant can be exhorted to the fulfilment of the assumed functions, replaced if necessary and be reintegrated when possible. Art. 19. Personal relationships The personal relationships among the participants are imprinted of courtesy and sincerity, without any reserve. Art. 20. Transparency and confidentiality Complete transparency towards the inside and maximum confidentiality towards the outside of the structure must be observed. Art. 21. mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>Prerogatives The prerogatives considered necessary to the execution are established by regarding each function. Art. 22. Regulations The structure of the universal enterprise and the relative functions are ordered from appropriate regulations of performance that establish the processes of research, devising, promotion, execution, management, diffusion and control of the initiatives. Art. 23. Codes of behaviour A code for relationships and behaviours of the participants, one for the intersociety's relationships and one for the processes of formation and realization of the plans have been adopted. Art. 24. Dismissal to the international law The universal enterprise adopts the uses and norms sanctioned by the international law also when their overcoming is proposed. |