of the Republic of the Earth

Article 1

The Republic of the Earth is a democratic government system of the inhabitants of the planet and their groups with the aim to live in peace as well as possible.

It draws origin from the existing political structures and it is created by the need to face material problems, in order to guarantee every human being the right to believe in own happiness and the right to act to achieve it, respecting others and nature.

The Republic of the Earth is made up of those who ask to become part of it under the condition of acceptance of the Constitution.

Notes to the Art. 1

Article 2

The control and the management of the Republic is entrusted by people to their representatives, elected by the most valid ways and means depending on to the level of perception and knowledge of the same people.

Any action which modifies the appearance and the substance of the democratic system is prohibited.

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Article 3

The Republic recognises and guarantees all unalienable rights of the human person and promotes the development of all human beings, recognising their individual diversities, moderating their effects for the common good, guaranteeing individuals and groups freedom of thought, expression and action freeing them from their primary needs and, as much as possible, from fear.

It is inspired by principles of truth, beauty and justice, which can and must animate all mankind and demand the fulfilment of the duties necessary to guarantee the best development of every person and the maximum evolution. To this purpose it undertakes the task to remove the obstacles that can prevent such results.

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Article 4

All the inhabitants of the Republic have the same dignity and full equal rights and duties.

The Republic resolves the conflicts between its inhabitants, assuring free, fair, equable and peaceful competition, moderating excesses.

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Article 5

The Republic recognises that the human system is an organised whole of individuals, their relationships and behaviours.

The Earth is the environment made up of all parts influencing such a system and also all others parts, the behaviour of which, being influenced by the system itself.

Notes to the Art. 5

Article 6

The Republic aims at the improvement of social, civil, political, economic, moral and religious systems and, therefore, the improvement of the relationships and the behaviour between human beings and between them and other systems of the Earth, taking into consideration their mutual interconnection.


  1. it analyses social relationships and their influence on interpersonal relations, promoting the maximum solidarity in every field and assuring the means of achieving the understandings of each person with fellow creatures and nature;

  2. it establishes the more fitting rules in order to guarantee the best civil relationships as a means to the greater possible individual freedom and the justice between all human beings;

  3. it sets up political relationships, establishes their legitimacy and the most best ways of promoting the participation of peoples in the creation and the management of their institutions;

  4. it programs economic relationships, production processes and the destination of wealth for the fulfilment of primary needs, considering them essential conditions in guaranteeing human survival and defeating poverty on the whole planet;

  5. it considers and protects moral relationships and the ways aimed at achieving spiritual well-being, through the reinforcement of inner strenght so as to act consistently with what is generally recognised as true, right and beautiful;

  6. it guarantees the freedom of religious relationships and promotes the search for the original cause and the final aim of humanity.

Notes to the Art. 6

Article 7

The Republic supports all initiatives aiming at promoting processes that accomplish the utmost level of development, proposing itself as a basis, therefore, as an organisational principle and also as a lever of balance.

It accelerates the process of awareness regarding the reality and nature of problems, leading to the recognition of the facts corresponding to the evidence or truth, establishing the degree of priority of different problems for the common good. It discovers their origins and their causes and it proposes possible goals, achievable solutions and likely consequences.

It also identifies available resources and it verifies the methods of production of the necessary means of setting up strategies. Those are in fact organisational premises allowing for the best use of resources and produced means, orienting people to the more suitable praxis of achieving the expected results consistent with the adopted strategies, analysing the obstacles and elaborating the ways og overcoming them. It then verifies the results and the produced effects.

Notes to the Art. 7

Article 8

The Republic, by recognising that human beings needs to feed themselves in order to live, it promotes and supports the transformation of natural resources through work, favouring the adaptation of production relationships to the level of development of the productive forces.

It also recognises the need for a minimum territory for every person and the natural need to be on good terms with others.

Therefore it protects social relationships, guaranteeing enough food and adequate housing.

It protects physical and mental health through all means and all available treatment and promotes research on both the prevention and treatment of diseases, contributing to the achieving the longest possible life.

It guarantees equal dignity to all inhabitants, it favours and protects the composition of the family and of the couple as the natural base of society.

It protects motherhood and infancy, promoting a flexible and responsible education for children.

It assists old people and it favours their integral permanency in society, as well as recognising their experience.

It guarantees nutritional and health facilities to: native people, injured or sick people, disabled people, involuntarily unemployed people, old and poor people, rehabilitating and activating those who may be useful to social and productive life.

It speeds up theplans and realisation of pleasant and suitable environment for every inhabitant.

Asserting full freedom of arts and sciences, it supports cultural and educational programs, making information clear and unconditioned, removing obstacles to help maximise knowledge, guaranteeing an instruction and a cultural education oriented towards the improvement of human relationships and suitable to the requirements of work, art, sciences, technique and ethics.

It prevents any initiative alienating consciences and limiting freedom of judgement of its inhabitants.

It recognises the unit of all individuals and takes part in the conflicts between instincts and reason or individuality and community, supporting the spread of altruism and care of others and guaranteeing effective solidarity between people, actively promoting actions for peace.

It is engaged in eliminating crime and its causes and in guaranteeing public order, adequately mitigating all form of degeneration and correcting its effects.

It guarantees human life in all its expression and promotes the values of being and becoming, safeguarding the freedom of women without preventing new lives from being born but taking into consideration the effects of an excessive demographic development, to be maintained within supportable limits.

Notes to the Art. 8

Article 9

The laws of the Republic are inspired by universal recognised principles of international Rights and are characterised by simple meaning and syntax.

The Republic demands the implementation of social and civil duties in the interest of all the inhabitants of the Earth, eliminating contradictions between norms and repealingthose that are obsolete.

It guarantees the demonstration of right and wrong also in relationships with the institutions, promoting the review of the civil, penal and administrative processes and showing the consequences of an insufficient sense of duty.

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Article 10

The Republic guarantees full sovereignty of all its inhabitants and their equality in face of the law.

It promotes political integration of all the people of the Earth, recognising the local autonomy in terms of programming and political, administrative and fiscal decentralisation.

It guarantees all inhabitants freedom to gather in any form, being it not in secret, in order to improve the individuals and groups by means of a free dialectic process of ideas.

The Republic is divided into international, national, regional and local governments, all set up as required by the people electing them.

It promotes political participation by means of an electoral system in which the people exercise an effective and constant sovereignty on the governments and are protagonists of their continuous renewal.

The inhabitants of the Republic are represented in the International Assembly constituted by a representative for every ten million inhabitants.

The faculty to legislate is normally up to the international Assembly, but also the inhabitants of the Republic can take the initiative to propose, to approve and to abrogate them according to the law.

The representatives in the international Assembly are elected directly by the inhabitants of the Republic and stay in office four years, except in the case of non-fulfilment of the undertaken engagements with the constituents.

The Goverment of the Republic is made up of twelve elected governors from the International Assembly, who then elect the President.

The Government remains in office until revocation by the international Assembly although not for more than six years from the date of election.

The Government is ruled by the President and has the task to carry out the decisions taken by the International Assembly and to approve urgent decisions.

Such decisions must be ratified within a year by the International Assembly and the possible non-ratification involves the resignation of the Government.

Notes to the Art. 10

Article 11

The resources of the Earth belong to all its inhabitants and are available to those who want to produce, but with respect for the environment.

The Republic guarantees a fair availability of resources, a fair means of production as well as the freedom to participate,encouraging production and trade with the workers' participation in the management and outcome of the enterprises.

The ways of production and destination of wealth must correspond to the requirements and the effort of all inhabitants of the Earth and must be oriented towards the maximum productive reinvestment of wealth.

The Republic guarantees useful occupation to all active population who have in turn to carry out activities best suited to the needs and character of the individual, at the same time taking into consideration the more general requirements.

The taxes from individuals are applicable only on non-productive consumption.

The Republic contributes to the reorganisation of the budgets of member governments.

The budget of the Republic must be transparent as possible.

The Republic cannot get into debt except to receive down payments of guaranteed future income.

Notes to the Art. 11

Article 12

The Republic encourages coherence between logic and action and promotes sincerity and the altruism as a maximum expressions of individuality.

On the Earth complete independence of every moral and religious belief is guaranteed.

The Republic actively promotes the understanding and integration between different cultures and various customs and it considers irrenounceable patrimony every ethnic group and every genetic characteristic as something that cannot be given up.

The Republic has the obligation to defend its own inhabitants from any inner or external violence.

It solves and, if necessary, eliminates the conflicts jeopardising the safety of its inhabitants (using force only when unavoidable).

The International Assembly establishes all unforseen and not-forbidden events by this Constitution and it takes all the necessary provisions to realise the principles and the objectives established by it, valid for all governments and people taking part in the Republic of the Earth.

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