Notes to the Constitution of the Republic of the Earth

Notes to Article 1

The Republic...

The republic is a governmental form in which people detain the sovereignty and citizens elected for a determined period exert the executive power.

... of the Earth...

The Earth is the planet on which we live.

... it is a system...

A system, considered as a complex system, a totality of objects and relations between them and their behaviours, in which the objects are parts of the system, the behaviours are the properties, i.e. the attributes, of the objects, and the relations hold the system together.

... of government...

To govern means to organise and to run.

... democratic...

Democracy is a kind of government based on the principle of popular sovereignty carried out through freely elected representatives to the service of the people. A government is really democratic when the majority of the constituents asserts so and when it acts in the interest of all the population.

... of the inhabitants of the planet...

The inhabitants of the planet are the inhabitants of the Earth, as human beings able to deduce and to decide.

... and of their groups...

A group is a totality of single persons but gathered to form a unique whole that can be used as mean to reach the aim of maximum individual responsibility.

... for living in peace...

To live it is necessary to satisfy needs and desires. Living in peace means following the way towards the attenuation of conflicts and to find the harmony between two or more persons having the same purposes.

... in the best possible way.

Lifestyle is affected by the way problems are perceived. Living in the best possible way means to fix the limit of the maximum individual well being by regarding the maximum general well being, meaning that the maximum individual well being does not limit the maximum general well-being.

It draws origin...

The origin is the first principle, the first manifestation of something.

... from the existing political structures...

The structure is the way in which more elements are organised and the type of organisation that the totality can apply. Politics are the management manner of the states. Political structure means the way in which the relationships between the states and the individuals making part of it are organised.

... and it finds its cause...

The cause is the fact that produces an effect and is therefore origin of an other fact. The cause of the Republic of the Earth is the requirement of having an institution which aims are the maximum possible responsibility of every individual and, consequently, the maximum possibility of avoiding errors.

... in the necessity...

A necessity is something that, as perceived, must be made. A necessary choice, therefore, is not a free choice, since a necessity cannot be decided but only satisfied. It is instead the way in which the necessity is overcome that must be free, i.e. decision must be based on at least two possible choices.

... to face the material problems...

A problem is the perception of a condition, a situation and its effects. Material problems are those that can be solved with knowledge, energy and time.

... in order to guarantee to every human being...

For the first time the relationship between the institutions and the individual has changed, the individual has continuously fought he would obtain guarantees by the institutions he created. In our case, it is the institution itself that is born with the aim of guarantying the individual.

... the right to believe in his own happiness...

A right is something a subject naturally deserves. To believe means to think some thing is true. Happiness means quality of something opportune, well done, the apex of the potential evolution of the human being. To believe in one's own happiness is a right up to each human being who believes he or she is able to realise one's own maximum evolution.

... and to act to realise it...

To act means to show one's own potential and to achieve means translating into reality. To act aiming achievement is to show one's own potential in order to translate into reality.

... in the respect of the others and the nature.

Respect is the feeling that induces us to recognise the dignity and the rights of a person and not to offend them, acknowledging the necessity not to destroy the nature of which we are parts and therefore in order not to destroy ourselves.

They make part of the Republic of the Earth those who...

Taking part to the Republic of the Earth means participating to a new organisation whose aim is the totality of the advantages due to the improvement of relationships and human behaviours.

... accepting the Constitution...

To accept the Constitution of the Republic of the Earth means to perceive and to recognise its necessity, to decide to adopt it as mean addressed to the realisation of the maximum possible individual potential.

... they demand it.

The free participation to the new institution is the expression of today's maximum possible freedom.

Notes to
Article 2

The ruling and the management of the Republic...

To run and to manage means to govern. Since it's an institution formed by participants, the Republic of the Earth must be managed and continuously oriented aiming its prefixed goals. The government's power is an instrument of the function the Republic of the Earth has towards the participants.

... it is conferred from the people...

In a democratic system, the assignment of the government power is up to all the parts, i.e. all the peoples, the system itself.

... to their representatives...

The representatives of the people represent the aspirations and solutions indicated by the participants.

... elect...

The election is a choice carried out through suffrage in order to assign the representatives to whom the government is entrusted.

... in the forms and the ways...

Form is for quality and manner is for method and law.

... thought more valid...

The validity of the forms and manners will have to be established from the participants.

... according to the level of perception and knowledge...

Perception and knowledge of a problem determine the way it can be solved.

... of the same people.

Forms and conferring ways of the government power must however be established by the people and, therefore, by the participants to the new institution.

It is forbidden ...

It is one of the few prohibitions contained in the Constitution, unavoidable in order to inhibit the character of the Republic of the Earth itself.

... any initiative...

The prohibition to realise a forbidden initiative rises from the requirement not to manifest acts, it certainly doesn't concern the complete fredom of thought.

... to modify the appearance and the substance...

Any manifestation of thought is action and, as such, it is power manifestation. The prohibition therefore refers to any manifestation of power that has for scope the modification of the form (the quality) and of the substance (the rules).

... the democratic system.

Any modification of the system would render the initiative useless - and perhaps negative - because the premise in which it is asserted would be misunderstood, as it states it is a democratic government system.

Notes to
Article 3

The Republic recognises and guarantees...

Here we find again the concept of the guarantee the institution acknowledges spontaneously, without the action of the participants, whose task is instead to maintain the statement unchanged with facts. With this expression, one wants to assert the will of the institution and its participants.

... the inviolable rights of the human person...

The fundamental right of the human person is freedom, which can only exist if not prevented by the dissatisfaction of primary needs and by the repression of those desires that are part of the human nature (including the need of being as we wish to).

... and it promotes the development of all the human beings...

The development seen as increase of the individual power of each person, which corresponds to the general development of the whole humanity.

... of which it recognises the single diversities...

Diversity, considered as development strategy by recognizing evolution as its functional feature, not only should be tolerated but we should also press for it.

... and it moderates its effects for the common good...

Also development provokes an imbalance that may show by negative effects. In this case, the Republic of the Earth undertakes to moderate - not to inhibit - the negatives effects of imbalance.

... guaranteeing to individuals and the groups the freedom of thought...

It's not a case of repressing the negative effects deriving from imbalances following development, but of keeping to guarantee individual and social freedom. As an example, to help dominated people to moderate the excesses of the dominants, constitutes a manner to bring back the development to its natural re-balance, also overcoming the hierarchical levels that determine dominant and dominated.

... of expression and action...

Freedom guarantees must be extended to real actions and should not remain a sterile statement principle. That's in the conviction that, because actions are power manifestations of individuals, they are functional for the development of the power from which they draw origin.

... and assuring the freeing from the primary needs...

Freeing from primary needs - food and health - is the first condition of freedom.

... and, as much as possible, from the fear.

Fear is an inhibition concerning an unknown reality, not only for the future but, also, for the past and the present that are ignored. Cause of the fear is therefore non-knowledge. Its overcoming, its solution, can only be the effect of greater knowledge.

It inspires itself to the principles of truth, justice and beauty...

The ancient trilogy of true, just and beautiful development are the inspiring premises of the new institution.

... that can and must animate all mankind...

All of us can and must because we have potential ability and the task of being.

... and it demands the implementation of the necessary duties...

The obligation of referring to our own role is duly performed through the fulfilment of our duties, as solutions and necessities.

... to guarantee the best development of every person...

The necessary duties are functions of individual development.

... and its maximum evolution...

The best individual development logically leads to the maximum personal evolution.

... taking the task to remove the obstacles...

Here again is expressed the engagement towards the participants, which provides the removing of the impediments to the realisation of the human purpose: to transform reality.

... that they can prevent such result.

The obstacles that prevent a person's aims are not always solvable, but a group of people has an almost limitless power in order to face them and solve them.

Notes to
Article 4

All the inhabitants of the Republic have the same dignity...

Dignity is the moral nobility that any human person is born with by nature and the respect due to him for such condition.

... and absolute parity of rights and duties.

Such parity is referred to the asserted diversity. The term "absolute" has to be interpreted according to potential capacity, in the sense that to equal potential capacities correspond equal rights and duties.

The Republic solves the conflicts between its inhabitants...

The conflicts have to be solved starting from the bottom and not from the top, in priority order; therefore the solution of every conflict needs the knowledge of its origins and causes.

... guaranteeing the free, corrected and pacific competition...

Competition is effect of diversity, it therefore must be pressed for, in function of the maximum possible evolution of every individual and therefore of the entirety of them.

... moderating the excesses.

Excesses are the negation of freedom.

Notes to
Article 5

The Republic recognises that the human system...

A simple system is either constituted by two or more parts or by two or more relationships. The human system is a complex system, in which parts and relationships coexist.

... it is an organised ensemble of subjects...

As every individual is an organised complex organism, also the totality of human beings is first of all a macro-organism of which we all are part.

... and of relations between them...

The totality of the relations, i.e. the relationships among the subjects, is the second condition of the human system.

... and between their behaviours...

Besides, the human system isn't only a group of subjects and of relations; - unique among all known system - it is also a totality of behaviours. We could say that the human system is a triple whole: of subjects, relations and behaviours.

... while the Earth is the environment...

The environment is the context, the system of which the human system is a subsystem.

... composed of all the parts...

Therefore by all the matter and the energy, included all human beings.

... that they influence such system...

Every part, every molecule, every atom, every particle of energy, influences - not in the same measure of course - the human system.

... and also of all the others whose behaviours are influenced by the same system.

At the same time, the human system influences each other part of the environment, every molecule, every atom, every particle of energy.

Notes to
Article 6

The Republic proposes the improvement of the systems...

If a system is composed of subjects, relations and behaviours, the improvement of the subjects cannot ignore from an improvement of the relations, that is of the relationships, and the behaviours.

... social...

The social system is the structure and the organisation, in spontaneous part, of a community of individuals conceived like a tidy field.

... civil...

The civil system is the balanced regulation of an organised society.

...political ...

The political system is the way of organising and managing the State and the running of public life, and also the organisation of the relationship between State and individual.

... economic...

The economic system is the complexity of the ways of production and allotment of resources and produced wealth.

... moral...

The moral system is that complexity of attitudes and behaviours that is realised in the manifestations and the conditions of the intellectual life and in their implementation.

... and religious...

The religious system is the ordering and the practice of manifestations of cult determined by spiritual and metaphysical ideals.

... and, therefore, the improvement of relationships and behaviours between human beings...

The improvement of relationships and individual behaviours is obtained through the improvement of the existing systems.

... and of these with the other systems of the Earth, depending on their mutual interconnection.

If the human system influences the environment, that is the Earth, the improvement of the human system cannot imply the improvement of the environment.


Choices must always be the result of a democratic dialectic process.

1) it analyses the social relationships and their influence on the interpersonal relations, promoting maximum solidarity in every field and assuring the ways to achieve agreement of every person with his fellow creatures and nature;

Social relationships are spontaneous rules, customs.

2) it establishes the most suitable rules in order to guarantee the best civil relationships for the greater possible individual freedom and justice between all human beings;

The civil relationships are the laws that regulate the cohabitation of a group of subjects.

3) it sets up political relationships, their legitimacy and more appropriate ways to promote the participation of the people to the creation and the management of their institutions;

The political relationships are those between the State and the citizens.

4) it programs the economic relationships and the processes of production and allotment of wealth for the satisfaction of primary needs, being essential factors to guarantee human survival and to defeat the poverty on whole planet;

The economic relationships regulate the ways of production and allotment of wealth.

5) it considers and protects the moral relationships and the ways to achieve the spiritual well-being, through the formation of the inner force to act consistently with what is generally recognised as true, just and beautiful;

The moral relationships are those referring to what is considered right according to action.

6) it assures the freedom of the religious relationships and promotes the search of the original cause and the final aim of humanity.

The religious relationships are those between religious institutions, personal followers, other institutions and followers of other religions.

Notes to
Article 7

The Republic supports all the initiatives...

It is opportune that the initiatives, as concrete manifestations of the ideas, come from the participants, both as personal and group ideas.

... oriented to promote processes...

They are taken in consideration, more than the private and difficult-to-repeat actions, those easily transformable into processes, that is in series of repetitive actions.

... in order to realise the maximum level of development...

The maximum level of development is the final aim of the new institution and regards both the individuals and the ensemble of themselves.

... proposing itself as basis...

The base of the choices - or better, the structural base of a system - is the fundamental rule that generates the relationships and all the successive rules.

... and, therefore, like organisational principle...

The rule establishes the relationships, therefore the relations of a system. It regards therefore the organisation of two or more parts acknowledged in a determined context. Not always the organisational principle - the base - is shared from all the parts that should respect it.

... the balance.

The only principle that can rationally be recognised valid for all the parts and, therefore, shared by all, is the correct balance, meant as relative order to various levels or paths of one level.

It speeds up the awareness...

Knowledge is an achieved objective, duly sped up, through communication and dialectic process, and that is taken as basis of the balance itself.

... of reality...

The Republic of the Earth proposes an acceleration of the transformation of reality. In order to succeed, first of all we must perceive and recognise reality in a certain time and determined space.

... and of the nature of the problems...

Once reality is recognised and also the problems through which it shows itself, it is necessary to know the character, that is the nature of the truth, its origins and its causes.

... inducing the acknowledgement...

The acknowledgement is the successive phase to perception. To Speed up the awareness of reality induces perception; to speed up the analysis of its nature induces acknowledgement.

... of the facts corresponding to evidence or truth...

It refers to the objectivity of things, how they appear to us and how they are deduced in a certain phase of the evolutionary process.

... establishing the degree of priority of the various problems...

After the perception and the acknowledgement of a fact, it is necessary to establish its level of importance.

... for the common good...

The level of importance of a fact is established for the whole, without forgetting that the individual makes part of it.

... characterising their origins...

The origin of a problem, that can be found through knowledge, by means of search and information, is the original cause that has determined the facts involving the problem itself.

... and their causes...

From the original cause of a problem rises a concatenation of effects, that in their turn become causes of further effects, the last one of these is the perceived problem. The analysis must therefore start from the detection of the original cause and be extended to the following ones.

... and indicating the possible objectives...

To fix an objective means to be willing to face the problem involved. One of the tasks of the Republic of the Earth is also to speed up the setting of objectives and, therefore, the will itself.

... the realisable solutions...

In order to realise objectives you must know how to act. There are not impossible targets with possible solutions neither possible objectives with non-realisable solutions.

... and the expectable consequences.

The solutions can, if adopted, produce effects, that is consequences. Before adopting a solution it is necessary to preview its effects, in order to avoid - after the attainment of the proposed objective - consequences causing other problems.

It also identifies the available resources...

The resources are the material means existing in nature, included ourselves.

... and verification of methods to produce means...

In order to implement solutions, average, adequate instruments are necessary. The means can exist or must be produced transforming what there is into what is needed, operating so that the means is not transformed into a target itself, as instead it tends to become, even before having exhausted its instrumental function. Unfortunately, means tend to enhance themselves, exploiting the aim for which they were produced and fixing further aims.

... necessary to set up strategies...

Also in this case, the necessity excludes freedom. In order to achieve a fixed objective you need a certain solution that is realised through certain means, in a precise phase of development of the subjects that adopt them. Otherwise it will not be the best solution. organisational remises which...

The strategy constitutes the organisational method in order to orient means towards a precise target.

... allow the best employment ...

Best employment means the most rational way, that must correspond to best possible good, which, to be found by imperfect beings, we have to coincide with the least possible "evil".

... of the resources themselves...

The resources must be considered common good, not exclusive and not for themselves only.

... and of produced means...

The objectives and the solutions must be practicable, that is adapted to the instruments available or obtainable. At the same time, the strategy of employment of the instruments must be led back to the desired aim.

... orienting the people ...

The best way to orient is to prove.

... to the more suitable praxis to achieve the wanted results...

The putting solutions into practice must be in line with the objectives.

... consistently with the adopted strategies ...

A relative consistence between strategy and praxis - also considering that it is not possible to exactly determine how much and how we would like it - it represents an essential factor involving rules and behaviours.

... analysing the obstacles...

Some obstacles are expectable, others are unforeseeable. The first ones are known and can be analysed before a solution is implemented; the second ones, which also rise as a reaction to actions accomplished by adopting solutions, must be analysed as they are perceived.

... and elaborating the ways to overcome them...

The obstacle is a problem that rises from the praxis used to solve the problem, which is therefor solvable, jusy like the problem which has produced the obstacle is also solvable.

... considering the verification of results...

In order to exceed the obstacles and to avoid errors, it is opportune to estimate the results obtained until a certain moment.

... and of the produced effects.

The effects are the facts produced from results, that are cause, therefore, of the same effects. It is not enough to achieve the target to solve a problem, but it is necessary to consider the new facts, that is the new problems, born from the results themselves.

Notes to
Article 8

The Republic, recognising that the human beings needs to feed themselves for living...

Nutrition is a biological necessity and, as such, essential need.

... it promotes and it supports the transformation...

The transformation is the process by means of which the matter and, consequently, also the structure of the same energy the matter is made of, are modified.

... of the natural resources...

In this case, resources are considered as things pre-existing human intelligence.

... through the job...

The job is the means with which resources are transformed in assets.

... favouring the adaptation of the production relationships...

Production relationships are the ones between those who take part in the production, the availability and the destination of the resources, to the work necessary in order to produce and the destination of the produced wealth.

... to the level of development of the productive forces.

The development level of the productive forces is the degree of abilities and efficiency that those who take part in the production relatinships acquired in a determined moment. Production relatinships shall, according to a law of sociology, be conformed to such level.

It also recognises the requirement of a territory...

Every living being needs to dispose of a sufficient environment in which exist, develop and proliferate.

... minimal for every person...

Also the human beings must dispose of an adequate environment in order to remain such and to evolve.

... and the natural necessity to get along with the others.

The human beings have the unavoidable need of sociality, that can take place only in a adeguate environment.

It therefore protects social relationships...

The spontaneous rules, the customs, are normally effect of natural needs.

... guaranteeing alimentary sufficiency and adequate houses.

The guarantee of survival based on the satisfaction of the primary needs is an essential function of protection of social relationships.

It safeguards the physical and mental health...

Health is the result of balance between shape and substance, between physicist and psyche.

... through any available means of treatment...

The adoption of available means must be spread and used according to personal needs, setting aside its power.

... and promoting the search for solutions...

The solutions are result of search, experience and knowledge.

... for the prevention and the cure of diseases...

Not to get ill is certainly better than to cure oneself.

... actively contributing to obtain the maximum possible life expectation.

Biologically, every human being has a beginning and an end. The lengthening of the biological life not only corresponds to a subjective aspiration, but also to the best use of the human experiences and, therefore, it is functional to the development of humanity.

It guarantees equal dignity to all inhabitants...

It is not sufficient to recognise equal dignity, but it is necessary to assure it to all in practice.

... favouring and protecting the composition of the family...

The family is considered as original group.

... and the couple as natural basis of society.

Since the human being is not parthenogenetic, it is obvious that the couple is the natural and necessary base of human society.

It protects maternity and infancy...

The protection of procreation and infancy corresponds to the need to protect subjects during periods of weakness.

... promoting a flexible education...

Flexible is opposite to rigid, schematic.

... and responsible of the sons.

Who is responsible is truer, more honest, and has greater self-control. The achievement of the maximum individual self-control corresponds to the minimal requirement of authority.

It assists old people...

In the case the elderly are in a period of weakness, as happens to pregnant women and infants.

... and it favours their integral permanence in society...

Old people and the their experiences have to be considered resources and not weights.

... recognising their experience.

Few errors would be committed if previous experiences would have been better known and if we drew lessons from them.

It assures alimentary and sanitary attendance to native people...

It repeats that the maximum level of development of the ensemble cannot disregard the practical aid to weak people.

... to injured, sick, disabled people, ...

Those who are physically limited are not responsible for it and mustn't be humiliated. Also this means guarenteeing dignity.

... to the involuntarily unemployed people...

Those who do not have a job must be helped to get one, but in the meantime must live.

... to the elderly...

Those who are no longer in working age, and don't have what's necessary in order to live.

... and to those in needy conditions or prevented for some reason...

According to criteria and conditions to be fixed in relation to the whole's availabilities.

... recovering and activating who can be useful to social and productive life.

The concept of assistance is always linked to the objective of individual liberation despite the lowest cost for the others.

It prompts the planning and the realisation of the most comfortable and suitable environment for every inhabitant.

The systemic relationship between parts and environment must enable the parts to use the environment without destroying it.

Asserting full freedom of the arts and sciences...

Art and science must be assured freedom of expression within the limits of common good.

... it supports the cultural and educational processes...

Culture and education are taken as the being's functions of maximum expression.

... rendering transparent and unconditioned the information...

To be transparent means to be real, effective. To be unconditioned means to be independent from any power.

... and reducing the obstacles to the maximum knowledge...

Therefore, adopting all the available instruments.

... guaranteeing an instruction and a cultural education oriented to the improvement of the human relationships...

Culture is considered means of evolution of social relationships.

... and suitable to the requirements of the working world, art, sciences, technique and ethics.

Instruction and professional training are functions of the production relationships (because they affect the level of development of the productive forces), arts, research (sciences), technique and truth (ethics).

It prevents any initiative to alienate the consciences...

Alienation is a process fed from the excesses.

... and to limit the freedom of judgement of his own inhabitants.

It is the second prohibition provided by the Constitution and it concerns communication meant as expression of the effective reality and not as a means to distort the reality itself.

It recognises the unit of all the individuals...

It is an holistic vision of humanity, or better of whole formed by all the matter.

... and it takes part in the conflicts between instincts and reason...

The principle is certainly not the one of repressing instincts, but of bringing them back to balance in harmony with reason.

... and between individuality and community...

Also this concept repeats the necessity of a balance between part and whole, between subjectivity and universality.

... supporting the spread of altruism...

Altruism is considered as an improvement method of those who give, of those who receive and, therefore, of the whole.

... and of social security...

One shall capitalise as much as possible for himself and for those who cannot.

... and guaranteeing effective solidarity between peoples...

Solidarity passes through a correct re-distribution of resources and produced wealth.

... actively promoting every action for peace.

Eliminating the causes of war, like the misallocation of produced wealth.

It is engaged to eliminate crime and its causes...

The cause of crime is a disease and, as such, it is expectable and curable.

... and to guarantee public order...

Freedom without order cannot exist.

... mitigating in adequate way every degeneration...

Degenerating means to degrade, that is to lose the acquired development level.

... and correcting their effects.

Degeneration effects have always an impact on the whole.

It guarantees human life in all its expression...

Human life, meant as the last ring of the perceivable evolutionary process, is in its turn a path to the strengthening of the whole.

... and it promotes the values of being...

Value is knowledge, to be is knowledge of yourself.

... and becoming...

Dante's verses come back: "... you were not made to live like beasts, but in order to follow virtue and knowledge... "

... safeguarding the freedom of women...

In this expression, women are considered as procreation subjects, therefore creators of new human beings, in relationship to "being personal", from whom the right to live freely.

... without preventing to new lives to come to the world...

No new life shall be scarified for women's freedom or needs.

... also considering the effects of an excessive demographic development...

In 1994, the perspectives indicated the number of human beings at 6 billion in 1999, 7 billion in 2011 and 8 billion in 2025. In 2001 we are beyond 6 billion. We have to ensure that the 4.5 billions people living today under the minimal threshold of satisfaction of primary needs succeed in overcoming this unjust situation and, at the same time, prevent that this same situation repeats itself for another 2 billion people.

... to maintain within sustainable limits.

The sustainability of demographic development is first of all a cultural fact, the awareness of the necessity to avoid pain as much as possible.

Notes to
Article 9

The laws of the Republic are inspired to the principles of universally recognised international rights...

Today International law, has only two limits: it hasn't repealed capital punishment universally and definitely, and it hasn't adjusted punishments on the degree they are certain as well as on their seriousness.

... and they are characterised by the simplicity of meaning and syntax.

The norms must be written and communicated in the appropriated form in order to be understood by everyone and not only by jurists.

The Republic demands the implementation of the social and civil duties in the interest of all inhabitants of the Earth...

The adhesion to the promotion of the Republic of the Earth involves the undertaking of duties towards the other participants and all the inhabitants of the Earth.

... eliminating the contradictions between the norms and repealing the obsolete ones.

It's the normal evolution of civil relationships.

It guarantees the demonstration of rightness and wrongs.

This guarantee regards the trial phase and aims at demonstrating and not at presuming.

... also in the relationships with the institutions...

The same guarantee (the demonstration) is extended to the relationships between individuals, groups and their institutions, the Republic of the Earth naturally included.

... promoting the review of the civil, penal and administrative processes...

The new-norms-based review also regards not-yet-concluded processes.

... and demonstrating the consequences of a poor sense of duty.

The sense of duty is responsibility and knowledge, both for the individuals and much more for those in public offices.

Notes to
Article 10

The Republic guarantees full sovereignty of all its inhabitants and their equality towards the laws.

Full sovereignty of all the inhabitants means complete democracy. Equality means parity of rights and duties towards human mankind and its environment, the Earth.

It promotes political integration of all peoples of the Earth...

Political integration process is the real process of planetary democratisation.

... recognising the local autonomies in terms of programming and political, administrative and taxation decentralisation.

The concept of political decentralisation is larger than those of federalism and confederalism, founded on aggregations of States and regions, and underlines the idea of the autonomy area, of the locality, in which the decisive real relationships for the community take place.

It guarantees to all the inhabitants freedom to associate in any form ...

The guarantee does not regard only the freedom of association regarding the new institution, but regarding all the institutions.

... provided that they are not secret...

Transparency must be mutual, by the Republic towards the participants, and by the participants towards the Republic.

... in order to realise the improvement of the individuals and the groups through the free dialectic process of ideas.

The fondamental target of the Republic of the Earth is individual improvement. Dialectic process means logical process, as effect of the comparison of various subjects' deductive ability.

The Republic is divided in international, national, regional and local governments, all constituted in the intentional forms by the people electing them.

In the second paragraph of article 1 it has been asserted that, in order to develop according to the intentions of the participants, the Republic draws origin from the existing political structures. That is International, national, regional, and local governments meant as decision-making bodies to whom has been addressed the task of representing individuals, groups, nations and groups of nations, until it’ll be necessary.

It promotes the political participation through an electoral system in which the people exercise effective and constant sovereignty on the governments and they are protagonists of their continuous renewal.

The people, aggregations of persons who live in a precise context, must and can be the supporters and the protagonists of their own renewal.

The inhabitants of the Republic are represented in the international Assembly constituted of a representative for every ten million inhabitants.

It has 600 representatives for 6 billions inhabitants, therefore one simple structure and however able to represent the great intentional choices of the people.

The faculty to make the laws is normally up to the international Assembly, but also the inhabitants of the Republic can take the initiative to propose them, to make them and to abrogate them according to law.

The rules are adopted, modified and repealed through the twofold initiative of the inhabitants and their representatives.

The representatives in the international Assembly are elected directly from the inhabitants of the Republic and remain in office four years, except in the case of the engagements undertaken towards the constituents.

Therefore the repeal of the representation mandate is provided.

The Government of the Republic is constituted by twelve elected governors from the international Assembly that elects among them the President.

The function of the governors is giving execution to the initiatives provided by the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of the Earth.

The Government remains in office until repeal by the international Assembly and however not more than six years from the date of the election.

The duration of the Government is superior to that of the international Assembly, just in order to assure continuity to the executive function of the governors, except disapproval of its acts by the same Assembly.

The Government is directed by the President and has the task to realise the decisions taken from the international Assembly as well as taking urgent decisions.

It is necessary to confer to the Government the power to assume urgent decisions regarding unexpected problems.

Such decisions must be ratified within a year by the international Assembly and the eventual missing ratification involves the resignation of the Government.

The assumption of responsibility is confirmed by the requirement that all the urgent decisions of the Government must be ratified by the International Assembly.

Notes to
Article 11

The resources of the Earth belong to all its inhabitants...

It is not only a matter of affirmation of a principle, but of the real will to realise it.

... and they are available to those who want to produce respecting the environment.

The Republic, in the respect of the previously acquired rights of individuals, is oriented to the redistribution of the resources.

The Republic guarantees a fair availability of resources and means of production and the freedom to produce, speeding up the production and the exchanges of participation of the workers to the management and the result of the enterprises.

The two main principles of this paragraph are the availability of the resources and of means of production for those willing to undertake and to produce, and the participation of the workers in the risks and the results deriving from the production relationships.

The ways of production and destination of the wealth must correspond to the requirements and the engagement of all the inhabitants of the Earth and must be oriented to the maximum productive reinvestment of the wealth.

On one side needs and engagement in order to satisfy them, on the other side, improvement of the way the produced wealth is allocated.

The Republic guarantees a useful occupation to all the active population that in its turn has to carry out the most suitable activities to the requirements and the individual characteristics, taking into consideration the general ones.

It repeats the principle of the universal right to participate in the production of wealth.

The taxes from individuals are only applied to non-productive consumption.

The concept of "taxation of the non-productive consumption "is revolutionary and is the only one corresponding to the objective to conjugate economic success and solidarity.

The Republic contributes to the reorganisation of the budgets of the governments that constitute it.

In a global vision, it is necessary to find a sort of financial zero setting in the relationships between governments and peoples.

The budget of the Republic must be imprinted with the maximum transparency.

Administrative and financial transparency are obtained through the constant control by purposely elected bodies.

The Republic cannot run into debts except for receiving down-payments of certain future incomes.

Public debts have always been causes of imbalances. They face one problem and create two of them. Once the zero setting of the deficits is reached, it would be disastrous to repeat errors already made and that would then require other efforts to be solved

Notes to
Article 12

The Republic prompts the consistency between logic and action and encourages the sincerity and the altruism as functions of maximum expression of individuality.

It’s an enunciation "of pragmatic moral" based on the emulation process.

On the Earth complete independence of every moral and religious conception is guaranteed.

The principles of moral and religious freedom are repeated.

The Republic actively promotes the understanding and integration between the different cultures and the various customs, and it considers every ethnic group and every genetic character as an essential patrimony.

The essentiality of diversity of character is reaffirmed.

The Republic has the obligation to defend his own inhabitants from any inner or external violence.

The unification of the scientific-technological apparatus aims to realise the maximum enhancement, which must be used for the common good.

It composes and, if necessary, it eliminates the conflicts that put in danger its inhabitants using force only if unavoidable.

Considering the inhibitions that the power itself produces in those representing a danger, power should be sufficient to eliminate conflicts.

The international Assembly establishes all is not provided and forbidden by this Constitution and adopts all the provisions necessary to realise principles and objectives established by the same constitution, with validity for all the governments and the people who make part of the Republic of the Earth.

The Constitution of the Republic of the Earth enunciates fundamental principles. Their achievement requires institutions and choices to be conceived within the same ambit of the Republic.