to the Republic of the Earth

The Republic of the Earth is a government system chosen by those inhabitants of the planet who commit themselves to achieve the principles of democracy, well-being and solidarity.

It was put forward as a proposal in 1994, upon the presentation of the Constitution, and was founded in 2001.

All the inhabitants of the Earth can be part of the Republic as long as in agreement with the Constitution and to the Dispositions of Performance.

The Republic of the Earth is not a state but a group of people who recognise their differences and the intimate tie they are bound by. This group of people, the People of the Earth, adapt their own social, civil and economic organisation to mankind's existing level of development.

The Republic does not and will never own any tangible assets. It is an instrument for the peaceful living together of the human beings and will never become a purpose.

The Republic will take all the necessary steps to guarantee the maximum level of material and spiritual freedom to every inhabitant of the Earth, changing the causes of malaise which are the result of rules and history.


of the Republic of the Earth

Today, whilst one section of humanity manages to fulfil all of its needs and nearly all of its desires, the most conspicuous part of it still struggles to survive.

Geographic, political and genetic causes thwart the ability of most of us to fight for our own happiness.

The limited availability of resources, and the misdistribution of wealth cause poverty, disease, indigence, war, and unjust deaths every day.

Selfishness, ignorance and wickedness produce falsity, injustices and ugliness of all kinds; and meanwhile, the conditions of the environment are becoming more and more critical and we - absorbed as we are in our day-to-day needs and habits - cannot perceive or realise the risks to which we are exposing ourselves.

Everything seems to be beyond repair now.

We are yielding to a feeling of weakness, disappointment and - often - desperation and impotence.

We keep living without thinking about our rights and duty to shape the future for other people, our children and ourselves.

Despite the efforts made, we still live in a situation of total unbalance.

Nevertheless, this situation can be improved.

At the beginning of the third millennium, we can imagine a general improvement of relationships, behaviours and life, because we have the culture, science and technology to do it; we just have to direct this culture, science and technology to the common good.

Before the situation becomes completely irreversible, it is necessary and possible to make new, bold choices. We have to start a process that will raise the level of development of human beings, making equilibrium our base, our fundamental rule, and, finally, our organisational principle.

As an inhabitant of the world, and as a thinking and responsible being, I feel it is my duty to submit to individuals, families and people a proposal for combining individual and group differences to common goal.

The drive to change and the idea of the Republic of the Earth come from the acknowledgement of our role, our ability and our greater responsibility.


of the Republic of the Earth

The Republic of the Earth has its origins in existing political structures (Article 1, par. 2 of the Constitution).

Today's political structures largely consist of states organised at national and international levels, decentralised in local networks.

States are bodies that govern peoples.

At the base of each state there is a population, the inhabitants living in the territory over which the state exercises its sovereignty.

Until now, the idea of a world government has been that of a government comprising all the states - a super-state.

A super-state is an empire led by the most powerful state.

A new system of government, proposing to overcome territorial boundaries and national interests, must be wanted and agreed individually and straight from the beginning by all the inhabitants of the planet who wish for it.

Therefore, it has to come from the grassroots, from the people.

This is the only way it is possible to form the new government of the people of the Earth, instead of a super-state.

The Republic of the Earth is driven by the will of the inhabitants of the planet.


The reason
behind the Republic of the Earth

The cause of Republic of the Earth is the necessity to face material problems (art.1, par.2 of the Constitution).

The reason of the Republic of the Earth is therefore a need, a material problem. No right can be affirmed unless this need or material problem is met or solved.

Those who cannot meet vital needs do not know what freedom is.

Any declaration about rights and freedom from need, is bound to remain just words if the necessary structures necessary to solve material problems are not activated.

Why the Republic of the Earth?

Over six billion people live on the Earth. They are organised in nearly two hundred states. One fifth of the population of the Earth lives in the most economically advanced countries and consumes four fifths of all the goods produced on the planet.

Every head of the poor people consumes one sixteenth of what every rich person has available. Over the last one hundred years, the situation has worsened and the poor have increased in numbers.

Why has it gone this way? Why, with the vast resources available, the high production capacity and the impressive technological progress have the poor become fivefold their number and four out of five of us live miserably today?

Inequality, ignorance, division, selfishness, inertia, envy, mistrust and fear are the main causes of the situation.

Inequality of resources inhibits production growth.

Ignorance prevents us from perceiving and change the reality we live in.

Division causes conflicts between different nations and cultures.

Egoism breaks the union between individuals of the same species and of the humankind as a whole.

Inertia reduces the possibility to turn even the best ideas into concrete action.

Envy lowers one's power of initiative and leads to the taking away of wealth produced by others.

Mistrust produces apathy and makes people subject to habits.

Fear weakens and makes people dread future.

The states of the Earth have not been able to avoid this situation. States came into being about ten thousand years ago, with the introduction of agriculture, for the purpose of organising society and protect the people's territories and safety.

Kingdoms, empires, colonies, republics, dictatorships and democracies have all failed to fulfil their principal function, which is to guarantee a well-balanced, widespread development level for all the inhabitants of the planet.

Why have they failed?

Why, despite all the liberation wars with the involvement of entire populations, despite all the declarations of inviolable human rights and equality between men and women, why despite all the moral, spiritual and religious principles of brotherhood, have states not been able to guarantee acceptable standards of living and development for all human beings?

The interests of the strong, the thirst for power and wealth, bullying, corruption and the lack of informed participation of individuals in the solution of general problems are the main causes of this failure.

The strong think for themselves and do everything in their power to keep and expand what they have.

The governors have their own power as their goal, not the well being of the people.

Bullies use their power to protect their interests.

Corrupt individuals make moral and civil principles vain and destroy the rule of law. In such circumstances, the masses of all countries, divided and amorphous, are driven to conform to systems and hierarchies which subject their will to the goals of leaders and prevent them from participating in the future building processes.

It is paradoxical that in all ages rebellion has come from a small, enlightened and well informed minority representing the interests and aspirations of the majority.

If we keep going this way, we will never be able to combine democracy, development and solidarity.

To change the situation, we first have to acknowledge it, become aware of it, and then we can look for new solutions and adopt the necessary instruments.

What we need, in order to organise the best possible way for human beings to live together, is a single government that is actually the expression of the people, not of the states.

We need a new, universal entity capable of moderating conflicts and of guaranteeing all basic conditions for living and producing.

The Republic of the Earth is a system of government open to direct participation of all the inhabitants of the globe. Its territory is the whole planet; it includes several nations, but just one people - and has one single currency.

The Republic of the Earth starts from the bottom, from the people, from the awareness and unconstrained conviction of every individual who wants to be part of it.


of the Republic of the Earth

The aim of the Republic of the Earth is to guarantee the right of every human being to believe in his or her happiness and to take actions to achieve it within the respect of others and nature (Article 1, par. 2 of the Constitution).

To guarantee means to do what is needed for something to be accomplished.

A social organism is a complex system. In a complex system, the behaviours of any of its parts will influence the whole, and the relationships and behaviours of the whole will influence every one of its parts.

An unbreakable bond binds all the parts of the whole. To obtain the greatest possible balance, all parts within a complex system must have rules; in addition, the interests of the majority of the parts must prevail over those of a single part.

This is the aim of a democratic government.


of the Republic of the Earth

The Republic of the Earth is a political initiative. Its programme is outlined in the Constitution.

The plan provides that all the inhabitants of the Earth take part in the formation of a planetary democratic government through a representative International Assembly directly elected by them by one, free vote.


of the Republic of the Earth

The Republic of the Earth will include an International Assembly, a Government, an Information System and a Public Resources Body.

The International Assembly represents all those who are part of the Republic of the Earth.

The Government organises the social, civil and economic relationships of those who participate in the Republic.

The Information System maintains the Participants Archive and manages the Republic's organisational and functional offices.

The Public Resources Body issues the Republic's currency and manages economic and financial relations.


of the Republic of the Earth

The aim of the Republic of the Earth is to solve material problems by enhancing democracy, increasing overall well-being and introducing fair solidarity.

Human and material resources form the instruments to achieve this aim.

Human resources are all the people who take part in the Republic.

Material resources are parts of wealth in these people's possession.

Strategy is the organisation of human and material resources to achieve the aim.

The organisation is the set of relations between the parts of a given organism.

The set of relations and the set of behaviours constitute a system.

Every system has a structure.

The structure is the set of rules that keep a system together.

The base of a system is the fundamental rule which gives rise to the structure itself, or rather, any other rules that produce behaviours and relations between individual parts of the system.

To change the relations and behaviours pertaining to a system, it is necessary to modify the structure of the system and to modify the structure it is necessary to modify the base, that is the fundamental rule of the system.

We live in a pyramidal system with a hierarchic and selective base. The strong assert themselves and outlive the weak.

Those who are at the top of the pyramid try to hold onto the existing base, that is to the fundamental rule of the system.

To change the structure of a system means to replace the existing base of the system with a new one.

The new base must be the union of diversities.

Union gives rise to rules of common interest and diversities give rise to evolution.

Widespread union brings about relations and behaviours that accelerate evolution, while diversity allows each part of the system to express the best of it.


of the Republic of the Earth

Subscription to the Republic of the Earth must be organised through verbal, personal communication, by word of mouth - the way used before man could write.

Artificial communication tools can trigger the process of widening participation in the Republic, but this can only be accomplished through the direct and personal involvement of the participants.

Minimum but adequate geometric progression is obtained through the 'three-for-one' method, whereby each participant finds three other participants. Anybody asking to be part of the Republic of the Earth will have to find three or more participants.

The process is accomplished in 32 phases. If every phase took three days, in the space of little more than three months over 4 billion people could be subscribers to the Republic of the Earth.